The Edward Ballister Project

Roughly two years ago, I was honored to become part of a tremendous creative endeavor, The Edward Ballister Project. The idea was simple, bring different writers, with different styles and ideas together to create one nightmare. Finally, today, I got word of it finally going to print with Static Movement. What a day! Do you really want to know who I am? I think deep down, you already know... THE EDWARD BALLISTER PROJECT. IT'S UP TO YOU HOW THE STORY ENDS.... This project is to bring together a group of dedicated authors who are prepared to write a chapter each in order to create a phenomenal piece of dark fiction, resulting in a completed novel. Each author can take the story in any direction they wish, creating twists and turns to develop it into one of the the most exciting page turners in horror writing. Each author will have a different interpretation on the story, making this a unique experience for both writer and reader. Once the novel is complete it will be considered f...