
Showing posts from October, 2014

Who Are You?

Now that I am totally rewriting my zombie epic, it seems as though I have a lot of extra poetic verse that will not be making it into the project. While in some ways this is a bit disappointing, it definitely gives me a lot of stuff that I can post on here. Please give this a look, any and all feedback will be appreciated. Who are you, my vision of beauty? You still seem so familiar to me I feel as if I can sense your every move Experience your every fear I can see you standing there Trembling at the horrid sight before you Did one of my brothers do that? Do I need to ask? Alas, the bridge to the promised land Our union… Our destiny… Our reality ahead I saw this in one of your dreams dear The yellow towers rising from the depths of the rapids The dark mouth opening ahead of me It is just as you described… It is perfect Where are you taking me? Why am I following you? There it is again… My hunger Others must be closing in I must… I must...

The boulevard at last

The boulevard at last, we have finally made it through the city; our salvation lies ahead. I think we are safe for the moment. At least, we are as safe as we can be in this plagued nightmare. We should stop and rest; there are no signs of those beasts anywhere and we will need all of our energy to make it out of the city. If my calculations are correct, we have about two miles until we hit the bridge and nine miles to our sanctuary. We do not have long though. Our pheromones make us tempting entrées out here in the open. I still cannot believe how the immunization has mutated; it never should have caused this type of reaction. I swear we are living in some type of butterfly effect. Damn, I wish I had brought a gun. Yes, these vile beasts can be can be killed at close range with a targeted blow to the head, but I would still prefer to distance myself from them. Are you about ready to move again?             Great,...

Complete Me (Poetry)

Complete Me The wax has hardened Your image so pure May plan nearing the goal Now, I need your essence Be it hair, blood A tear Something to bring your likeness to life To me Long have I dreamt of holding you Fantasies held impossible Nightmares that challenged my resolve Everyday I would stare through the grotto Piercing silently into your world Wishing it was I on your shoulder Instead of that glistening feathered friend I want to share your laughter Feel your pain Penetrate your warmth The ecstasy   The bliss Yes, it is time to complete my plan This string will do The statue is ready My ritual at hand These candles burn to illuminate you Scorching forbidden pleasures into my soul Our journey finally in my sphere NEVAR UOY EVOL I Come to me NEVAR UOY EVOL I Complete me