Who Are You?

Now that I am totally rewriting my zombie epic, it seems as though I have a lot of extra poetic verse that will not be making it into the project. While in some ways this is a bit disappointing, it definitely gives me a lot of stuff that I can post on here. Please give this a look, any and all feedback will be appreciated.

Who are you, my vision of beauty?
You still seem so familiar to me
I feel as if I can sense your every move
Experience your every fear
I can see you standing there
Trembling at the horrid sight before you
Did one of my brothers do that?
Do I need to ask?

Alas, the bridge to the promised land
Our union… Our destiny… Our reality ahead
I saw this in one of your dreams dear
The yellow towers rising from the depths of the rapids
The dark mouth opening ahead of me
It is just as you described… It is perfect
Where are you taking me?
Why am I following you?

There it is again… My hunger
Others must be closing in
I must… I must feed…
I cannot control myself any longer
The pain is piercing my abdomen
Over there… I feel two of you in the corner
I must compose myself… Maybe I can blend in
But, the pain… The pain is killing me

It is weird how the infestation has taken control of my body
Yet, my mind remains sound
 For the most part, I can manage these insatiable cravings
Control them until the flesh calls to me
That aroma… That fragrance
The blood flowing like a bitter gravy over your loins
I cannot take it any longer
I must… I must feast

I am close now, but five feet them
I do not think they realize I am near
My sanity sets me apart from the monsters that are devouring the city
I reach out
The woman…Sheer terror as I grasp her tightly
Her shriek echoes through the empty streets
Her partner turns… Pulling the trigger of her cannon
Wait… No…

How can that be?
The bullet… It tore through me
I can feel the shards taking hold in my insides
But, I still stand here gorging myself on the remains of her friend
First the brains, now, the intestines
Divine… Absolutely divine
Her soft skin slides effortlessly down my throat
Her veins aged to perfection

Another bullet barely misses me
I turn to her friend; it is her turn to be my buffet
Unless she runs
Run damn it… I will not chase you
I am content finishing off this beauty
I still have a few bites left before she turns and joins the quest
Run…. Please run

I promise I will not follow… At least…. At least for now


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